Poster awarded at Open Access Days 2023: Award in the category “learned most” about new features of the EZB
openCost wins second prize at the OAI13 poster competition
Poster competition OAI13: openCost poster was awarded second place at the Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications.
Schema for transformative agreements and contracts
The openCost team is pleased to present a draft of another metadata schema to the community for discussion.
Succesful data delivery in openCost schema
Data delivery: openCost is pleased to announce that the dataset of FZ Jülich was successfully transferred to OpenAPC in openCost format.
openCost at the Open Access Days 2023
The openCost project will participate in the program of the Open Access Days 2023, which will take place from 27 to 29.9.23 in Berlin. We are looking forward to the exchange with the community.
openCost survey on publication cost monitoring
The project team cordially invites all interested parties to participate in an openCost survey on the topic of publication cost monitoring.
Conference Proceedings published
The results of the workshop “openCost: the road to publication cost transparency” have now been published as Conference Proceedings.
OA and Publication Cost Information in the EZB
As of this spring, the new journal categories have been available in the EZB. These journal categories can be used as additional filter criteria.
Results of the online discussions
The results of the openCost online discussions with the community
DESY joins OpenAPC
DESY is delivering its cost data like almost 400 other institutions to the internationally renowned OpenAPC initiative now.