As part of the openCost project, the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) has been expanded to include information on publishing, including cost information from OpenAPC.

New functions with information on publishing

With the new functions, which have been available since the beginning of July, expected publication costs can be displayed transparently at journal level. The EZB extension includes:

  • Information on publishing from DOAJ: The EZB has been expanded to include data fields from the DOAJ. Users can use this to obtain information on journal quality and publishing and derive funding opportunities. Over 40 EZB institutions have already activated this function.
  • Cost information from OpenAPC: The average publication costs of a journal from OpenAPC can now be integrated into the user interface of the EZB and displayed both globally and for specific institutions. This function has now been activated by 35 EZB institutions.
  • Funding options for publication costs by your own institution: Information on the assumption of publication costs can also be entered in the EZB and displayed transparently at journal level. This information includes, for example, contact details, specific restrictions or upper limits on the assumption of costs and the procedure for submitting invoices at the respective institution. 13 EZB institutions already use this function to provide information about the funding options for publication costs at their institution.

The EZB extension helps researchers to weigh up different publication options in a cost-conscious manner. Library staff also benefit, as they can manage and provide their institution’s cost coverage more easily and efficiently.

Exemplary implementation of the new functions

The implementation of three institutions can be found here as an example:

EZB consultation hours

EZB institutions can activate these additional options in the EZB administration. To familiarize yourself with the new setting options, we also offer two consultation hours to which we cordially invite all interested parties:

  • August 22, 10 to approx. 11 a.m.
  • September 24, 10 to approx. 11 a.m.

The dial-in data will be sent out in good time via the openCost mailing list. If you are interested in a consultation in English, please contact us at and we will arrange an appointment.