The OpenAPC service based at Bielefeld University Library has expanded its infrastructure as part of openCost in order to be able to aggregate additional costs such as page charges or submission fees for journal articles. Based on the developed openCost metadata format, codes, and workflows in OpenAPC have been adapted so that these additional cost items can be processed.

For an overview of the enhancements, the handouts „Data entry“ und „Data schema“ in the OpenAPC wiki have been adapted. The OpenAPC GitHub repository also contains an overview, including a graphic, of the additional costs already reported

Articles with reported additional costs are also visualized via the OpenAPC Treemaps. For all institutions that have reported additional costs to OpenAPC at least once, an extended view is generated in which the items are differentiated by cost type at the lowest level. One example is the treemap of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY).

The new “Cost Category” filter can be used to filter out those articles for which additional costs have been reported.

If you have any questions about the reporting procedure, please contact OpenAPC directly.